Happy (belated) 2nd birthday!

A few weeks ago I realized that my blog’s birthday was coming up. I showed up to the party empty-handed last year, so I felt a bit bad doing it again. But, I bought two unplanned beads at the end of September, so I was trying hard not to buy beads in October.

Then, at the beginning of this week I solved a problem for a client. It wasn’t particularly big, but it was something that they hadn’t been able to fix, so they were happy. That lead to me solving another lingering problem for them and soon the little voice in my head chimed in to say that I should buy myself a bead as a reward. Except, I couldn’t quite convince myself that I had earned the bead. Sure, I had helped them out, but it didn’t seem significant enough to warrant a bead. On Wednesday, they floated a third, larger, problem by me. This time the solution wasn’t as easy. At the end of Wednesday, I told myself that if I could solve the problem by Friday, I could buy a bead; I would have earned it this time.

I didn’t solve the problem by yesterday. I’m still working on it, but it’s not fixed. And yet, I have a new bead.

At the same time that I was working on the problems for my clients, I was finishing up my Halloween bracelet. I’ve been tinkering with it for two weeks, but felt that it was missing one final bead. Despite not solving the problem (yet!), yesterday afternoon I broke down and visited one of my local dealers, hoping that they still had a sale on. They didn’t, but this lovely little orange bubbles bead called out to me. It was priced as a production bead, so my best guess is that it’s a Peach Bubbles. Or, I got a really good deal on an orange unique. And it was perfect for my Halloween bracelet. So while I haven’t solved my client’s problem, this bead solved my Halloween bracelet problem.

I made good on my promise from last year to not arrive empty-handed this year. Next year I’ll try to be on time and come bearing gifts ;)


  1. Happy Birthday to your blog! Wow has it been 2 years already? So glad you started, I love that you tell stories as well as showing lovely beads and bracelets and your “how I made my bead” posts.

    Cheers and here’s to Year 3!

    1. Thanks Mars :) I know, the two years sort of crept up on me. And I feel like a bit of a negligent mother the last few months as my time has been required elsewhere. But things are settling down (just in time for the Christmas rush, I suppose) so hopefully I can tell more stories soon! I’m just glad that people don’t think that my stories are boring! :D

      1. Not in the slightest, I really enjoy coming here for them :)

        I know the feeling re: neglect, been rather busy myself, but just getting back into the swing of things – although having said that tomorrow’s post is written but next weeks isn’t!

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